
Article Publication FAQ for Logicpin

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is your Best Price per Post?

  • We welcome guest posts, and our pricing varies over time. Typically, we charge $20 per article.

2. About Your Link (Do-Follow, No-Follow) and Sample Post:

  • We offer one do-follow link per article. For a sample post, please check our blog section.

3. What is the Turnaround Time (TAT) for Article Publication?

  • Generally, we aim to publish articles within 2 days. However, in some cases, it might take up to 5-7 days.

4. Do You Accept Casino/Gambling Content? If So, Could You Provide a Sample?

  • Yes, we do accept casino-related posts at a cost of $50 per post.</li>

5. Do You Have More Websites in English/Non-English? Can You Share the Website List?

  • While we have multiple sites, we don’t disclose them to everyone. To access more sites, kindly place an order for this site first.

6. Is Escort and CBD Content Accepted? Could You Provide a Sample?

  • Yes, we accept escort and CBD posts, each at a cost of $100 per link.

7. What Are Your Payment Methods and Days?

  • We accept PayPal payments. Please note there’s an additional $5 for GST tax. Payment days are Wednesdays and Thursdays.

8. Is Payment Made After the Live Link is Agreed Upon?

  • Yes, payment should be processed after the live link is published, and it should be completed within 5 days after publication.

9. Do You Have Social Media Links (WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, etc.)?

  • You can connect with us on Facebook using the handle “logicpin” for faster and more efficient service.

10. Are There Specific Requirements for Articles?

  • We publish articles with a length of 1000+ words, including multiple subheadings and bullet points.

11. Can We Have a Footer Link on Your Website?

  • Unfortunately, we do not provide footer links to everyone.

Feel free to incorporate these revised FAQs onto your webpage for a more polished and professional presentation.

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