The ABC of local SEO packages

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Local SEO Key for Regular Business

More than 40% of all Google searches are local which means local businesses who aren’t running local SEO campaigns are missing out on a lot of opportunities every time an internet user searches for the kind of services and products that you offer and especially if these searches are coming from locations that you are active in.

Explore Google Guide to Local Search Engine

More than 85% of people search for local businesses on their smartphones at least once in a period of 7 days and more than 50% of people make local searches daily. Around 70% make local searches for products and most services that are within 10 kilometers from them. The numbers prove the imperative need for all online businesses to run local SEO campaigns by their selves or pay for local SEO packages provided by SEO agencies. 

Top Factor for Local Business Promotion

  • Photos

  • Video

  • Feedback

  • Survay

  • Updation

  • Event

  • Map


You would ideally want your website to list in Google’s 3-pack which is a collection of the top-three results that are visible to anyone that makes a Google search. Even if a listing on the 3-pack is not possible, you should aim for a listing on the first page of the SERPs, because the first page still gets a good amount of click-throughs as opposed to the pages that follow, which don’t get much of the users’ attention. Getting your business in enviable and coveted spots on SERPs is something that every business aims for and here are three steps on how you can make it happen through local SEO packages which will are enlisted below as the A,B, and C of local SEO packages. 


  1. Optimization – It is very hard for unoptimized businesses to climb to the topmost rankings in SERPs. The local SEO packages that you will be paying for, will optimize your website if it hasn’t already been optimized. It entails putting more detailed information out there about your business inclusive of names, addresses, and phone numbers and then making sure that the phone numbers are clickable as that increases chances of your business getting a phone call for inquiries and orders. You must make it a point to make your website mobile-friendly because people are more inclined to access the internet from their mobile phones than their desktops and personal computers and more than 30% of all mobile searches are location-based. Further, your location has to be added because more than 80% of people are likely to look up the location of a business on Google maps before visiting the businesses. 


  1. Online Profiles –You need to ensure a robust online presence for your business and that includes being online on other places than your business. You have to get your business listed on your review platforms and especially local-review sites. It is imperative that you ensure this through the efforts of your team or get it as a service from the local SEO packages that you pay for. In both cases, making a profile on Google My Business is a must because that will allow you to manage your presence on Google. The sites that are relevant to both your business and location can be easily found out with the help of a few keywords. This service is sure to be included in the local SEO packages offered by many SEO agencies along with setting up and managing social media channels that are relevant to your demographic. 


  1. Local content – This service is included in all SEO services phoenix packages because it is at the core of local SEO. Making and maintaining a blog on your website is crucial and the same should ideally be hosted on your business’s domain for highly optimized SEO benefits. Links are among the biggest factor for organic-rankings and as you get links to your blog, you will also ensure a lot of links to the main site of your business. This ensures that if the local content that you put out is good and relevant enough and is well received by the targeted demographic, it will not only improve the rankings of your blog but it will also improve the ranking of your website. 


Wrapping Up


Local SEO works more or less in the same manner as the usual campaigns, but with a major focus on the geographical locations. It is aimed towards getting the client a higher rank in the SERPs for local searches. As trends have shown people making local searches are more likely to visit the stores to pay for the services and make purchases, so it is imperative for all businesses to improve their local SEO campaigns to get more organic local traffic.

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