
How to Earn More Money by Increase Your AdSense Revenue

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11 Earn More by Increase Your AdSense Revenue


Using Blog  AdSense & want to increase your Earning via Adsense?

Here, I’m sharing new tips which will help you to increase your revenue and help you to earn more money from Google AdSense.

AdSense is the top advertisement programs for bloggers.

I have already written much time extensively about some new reasons for using AdSense. For those who make new blog and ready for blogging, here is our complete guide to creating an AdSense account.

If you already aware about adsense and blogging Now it’s time to move advance version  of learning about adsense and learn some basic as well as advanced tips to increase AdSense revenue.

Adsense give you money no doubt but not for free you have to work for adsense so adsense will give you money here is One  of factor which you must give serious consideration involves the placement of your ads cause if your ads visible so you get money if you ads is not visible mean not right spot for showing ad will not give any benefit to Google. Other important thing that you can become smart more than Google so Be very careful to make sure you don’t violate any of AdSense policies by placing your ads in a Spamming way that forces users to click on them.  Additionally, be sure about your mistakes cause Google will not said RIP to you so never to ask someone to click on your ads.

With those important Tips for your blog considerations out of the way, AdSense’s new interface that show some easy-to-use features which will help boost your adsense revenue.

Page Contents

DIY tips for increasing AdSense revenue:

It is commonly said that if you got organic traffic is directly proportional to money in blogging preety simple algorithm from Google, but this is not pre accurate in terms of AdSense advertising you need to use your mind to make things in your favour. The reason for this is that Google make rule so there are many factors which affect your AdSense income. These factors include ad placement, ad type, traffic source and most importantly, AdSense CPC.

If you set your keywords after doing keyword research, keep an eye on the right side CPC column. The higher the CPC rate, the better it is for you as an Adsense publisher. If you target high rated CPC, then the number of keywords, and clicks on your ads will usually be higher.

You can also use a tool like SEMRUSH to find profitable keywords.

One thing I don’t like about Adsense is that they don’t guide you or give you better recommendation you have to use tricks and trends this type of Internet-based advertising has the least effect on my blog performance channel.

With all of that said, let’s start with the points explain with the goal of this post which is to give you an understanding of the ways to increase Google Adsense income.

This one only applicable to you if your blog are getting more than 20,000 page unique views a month. If that’s not you, then you should try with move to #2 and use the manual method for AdSense optimization.

We all know that view are important for page and view are important for ads so placement of ad and ad size are two crucial aspects of increasing AdSense revenue always. However, the challenge is for you that you have to manually test it all by yourself. This is where you are and where you should take advantage of Artificial intelligence tool like Ezoic.

This is a free tool for SEO and available for all bloggers who have traffic value more than 20,000 page views a month. This service once configured (your account manager will help you), will automatically synchronize your ad interest by keywords and user it start experimenting with Ads to optimize user experience. The reason behind using Ezoic for me is I like Ezoic and am suggesting you this as the first thing is that it only focuses on user experience the most, which not only makes your readers happy but also provide you to chance to helps you to earn more money.

Also, the good user experience in SEO is a positive SEO signal which in turns improve your Keywords ranking your retuning user. I have seen a few ShoutMeLoud readers who have started earning 30-60% extra from AdSense after using Ezoic which is a great.

2. Improve Size/Location:

This is one of the most recent technical factors involved in getting low vs. high CTR.
You should try putting Google Adsense optimize ads around the content and above the fold. (Above-the-fold ads perform far better than below-the-fold ads!)

You can blend the Google ads with your site design.

There is one thing that bloggers often ignore – that is link-based ads. Link-based ads are different from banner ads both have different impact on CTR, and they don’t decrease the CTR of main ads if optimized properly. I usually try to prefer and keep these types of ads on the header navbar of my website.

When a blogging site design a website for Adsense income, you should keep the AdSense heatmap in your mind cause that is the only way and aim for making website. This way you can easily create Adsense-optimized themes and designs for your new site for example you can see

Here are some common Adsense sizes which work best:

• 336 * 280 : Large Rectangle
• 300*250 :
• 728*90
• 160*600
As you can see, in the Adsense world size matters.

3. Your Traffic source and location matters:

See if you have high traffic your revenue will be high automaticly but if you still want to use more deeply and don’t want let your ads go so Adsense perform best when your traffic is from search engines. Also, interest-based ads might not perform as well if you are getting more direct traffic recommend by Google. Many people complain about low CPC and low Adsense income after getting despite leaving millions of impressions per month.

This is mostly due to CPC and traffic sources cause Google don’t get any benefit if you getting traffic from a link or by promoting that link in chat group etc. Start targeting Organic traffic from countries like the U.S.A and the U.K, and you will end up getting high CPC.

Learning more about Google on-page SEO optimization techniques should be very helpful to you. Check out:

Adsense useuly  offers many ways to monetize your website and traffic, and you should try to take advantage by hitting of all ad types. Adsense for Search result not only helps you monetize, but it also helps with user navigation. You can check my previously shared a guide on setting up Adsense for Search.

  1. Adsense section targeting: Make ads more relevant

Adsense is a contextual highly recommended by Google ad network that works based on the type of content on your page, and this includes your webpage header and footer. So ads shown via Adsense on your webpage must be highly relevant to the context of your article.

Adsense section targeting option is a quick technique to add two lines of code before and after the content, thus use targeting your ad to the content. Here you can check an official guide for implementing Adsense Section Targeting.

Also read: 50 Ways to boost Google Adsense revenue

  1. Use Image or Text Ads wisely: 

One of the myths of the blogger that AdSense is that image ads work better. By blocking an ad type or ad category which you feel less relevant and low CPC, you decrease the competition on your ad, and this also decreases the CPM of your ads. I prefer to use both ad types.

  1. Place Ads between posts:

If you want to increase your Adsense revenue, you can easily try to configure Adsense ads to match with your webpage by changing background and colors, and add 468*60 image ads or text link ads in between posts or content. You can also add 6-10 pictures like ads, keeping in mind that you want to offer a good user experience to your readers. Make sure to add enough space on your webpage between ads & content, so that it doesn’t violate AdSense policies.

  1. Placement targeting:

This is one idea which many bloggers are not implementing even sometime me also forget to mention this in my blog post. When you create a channel to start monetize, you have the option to add more details to explain your content type and about your ad types, and then put your ad up for auction in the advertiser market by opting for placement targeting. This increases the competition and help to get you more costly ads, and the ad value on your site goes up. You must enable this manually by visiting adsense tool for every custom channel. To enable placement of ads targeting on your existing custom channel, log in to your Adsense account > My ads > Custom > Custom Channels. Next, click on one of the given names and a screen will pop up. Simply just add the details and put a checkmark at placement targeting.

Adsesne Blacklist

  1. AdSense Blacklist URLs:

There are very  smart advertisers also which pay very little per click. There used to be a site showing the Google Adsense ad “black list”, but if you have compiled a list of your own or you know of any site with very poor Adsense revenue performance, you can block that advertiser’s URL and save your space for highly CPC advertiser. I have done it myself, and it improved my daily Adsense revenue by 15% in one week’s time. You can also block your area competitor’s ads from displaying on your site.

  1. AdSense Category blocking: 

In the new Adsense interface view, the category blocking feature gave adsense a priority that has become much easier to use. You can quickly see again and again which categories of ads are performing poorly, and you can block those ads categories. I usually block the categories which have a good money making percentage of impression but a very low earnings percentage. This can also be configured via your “allow” and “block” ads page.

  1. AdSense for YouTube:

If you are a video publisher on youtube or if you upload videos to YouTube, you can monetize your copyrighted videos using the YouTube publisher program. I have been using it for a long time after Youtube channel, and it performs really well. Performance, of course, depends on the videos traffic your YouTube videos get. Here is a guide to get started:

Experiment and keep experimenting: 

If your only source of income is via Google Adsense revenue, perhaps these tips will be helpful to you after applying you will get to know about it.

It is important to test various things in publisher tool and see what works the best for you. For example, you can play with custom link colors and see which link color combination is generating maximum CTR, etc.

Feel free to share a tip for this blog which has worked well for you and has helped you to increase your Adsense revenue.

If you are not approved for Google AdSense, you can have a look at other posts published on ShoutMeLoud regarding alternative monetization programs.

Here are a few hand-picked monetization guides for you to read next:


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